
   Support Planner:  Search data


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Searching for value

Putting data into the Planner (or any similar database) is a cost.


The value comes from getting back

  • well selected data
  • in a timely fashion
  • in a useful form

Several ways to retrieve data

1. The reports in the Planner provide one means to achieve value in this way. It is worth exploring each report to see what it offers.

2. Remember that there are also reports about individual students available from the buttons on each student record:


3. Forms are also often useful in selecting data: for example there are four main ways of viewing student records from the Main Menu


Each of these views provides direct access to all details of a individual student records

  • in the school (Observations and Manage Support);
  • in a selected class (Review Class);
  • or those students identified for Positive Support Planning (ISP box ticked).

4. There are also forms available from the Main Menu that enable you to


Basic approach to searching the data


Read the dialogue boxes carefully and know what might be in the data and you will be surprised at what you can retrieve.

If you code for time and place and use other forms of clever coding you will

  • decrease the cost of data entry, that is, make it easier
  • increase the value of the data, by being able to search it, and produce statistical summaries, very easily.

Examples of what searching the data might show

  • What are the gender differences in your school? The data from most schools indicate that boys are typically involved in five to eight times as many incidents. Grade 2 or grade 3 boys are prime candidates (possible explanations? testosterone increase? new forms of play?...).
  • One school was able to show that a high proportion of the playground incidents were related to the deteriorating surface of the sealed area. They used the data as part of their request for assistance.


  • Another school was able to show that the behaviour of a certain student was significantly different on particular days of the week, and that these days corresponded to the different teachers that shared class. This data didn't 'prove' anything, but provided a useful starting point for exploring what might be going on.


  • In another school one boy who was involved in some 50 incidents in 2005 has been involved in two so far this year. Many other students in the same school showed similar gains.


  • And so on ...

What interesting things have you uncovered by searching your school's data?


If you share your insights it may prompt others to explore their own situation in similar ways with benefits for all concerned.




© Ivan Webb Pty Ltd 2001 onwards