
   Support Planner:  Scenario


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Scenario Answers
Supporting Joshua




The scenario - a familiar situation?

You are newly appointed to the school and have a senior position
There has been a significant incident …bringing Joshua to your attention 
As the responsible staff member at this time you need to resolve situation !!

  • But what is appropriate? 
  • And how will you know?

About Joshua   -   what might you need to know?

List some the things that may prove helpful in dealing with the situation and supporting Jason in the process: 


Some of the more unusual questions you might need to answer include

  • Should Joshua have been at school today? (He might have been suspended! Or should he have been elsewhere, such as at 'Spanners')
  • Should Joshua have taken any medication (and if so, did he)?
  • When was the last time Joshua had a meal?
  • Is it Ok to contact either of his parents?
  • Did attending the class where the problem occurred breach any agreement that Joshua had made?
  • Was this an isolated incident of part of a well-established pattern?
  • ...


  1. Consider the above scenario (adapt if you need to make it more realistic)
  2. Brainstorm answers to the above questions 
  3. Check  your answers against  the scenario answers
  4. Review the capacity of your school to provide quality information in relation to the above
  5. What opportunities exist for making improvements?
  6. To what extent might the Support Planner play a role in achieving these improvements?
  7. The next step?

Joshua's Story

Find out what happened next and how the School provided some support for Joshua