
   Support Planner:  Extending users


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The Planner in the school

With the introduction of the ISP component the Planner becomes more a key device in the life and work of the school.


As a result a number of schools are getting requests from teaching staff members to be given write access to the Planner.

Tentative Guidelines

It would be good to work out some useful guidelines for approving such requests.

To be approved users would probably need to

  • be confident computer user
  • have a good understanding of the function of the various components of the Planner
  • match the data to the appropriate component
    • major personal event to History
    • action to Support Action
    • incident, concern or observation to Observation
    • ...
  • fully understand the school's requirement for confidentiality and respect
  • be familiar with coding and can use the code sheet well
  • create records accurately and consistently
  • understand the communication dimension of the Planner
    • records are for future use
    • records combine to provide information for a range of other users
  • manage the protocols for using the Planner in conversations
  • be able to indicate sensitive information appropriately (eg, refer rather than actually record)
  • be able to record most items in succinctly (using clever coding)
  • ...

Planner Licence?

Check back soon for a test and checklist that might verify a staff member's readiness to use the Planner independently.




© Ivan Webb Pty Ltd 2001 onwards