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Teacher as Leader
Teachers as Analyst-Designers
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The key strategy of the teacher is to establish effective lead-manager relationships (rapport) with the students by acknowledging and contributing to their personal quality world and relating it to reality both now and in the future. The model below outlines the elements involved and how they are related in a sound educational (change) process.

Teaching Relationships

  • Teachers operate in working relationships.
  • It is usual that neither the teacher nor the student actually chooses to be in the relationship.
  • The nature and success or otherwise, of any relationship is determined by the way the parties relate.

Thus it is possible identify each of the possible relationships that teachers use to add to the quality of life of others. As lead-mangers should 

  • manage, ie, direct the actions of others
  • teach, ie, coach or help others to learn
  • counsel & support, ie, provide encouragement, express confidence and
  • delegate, ie, participate as a friend & allow others to be their own judge (evaluator, )

 There are four basic ways that teachers relate to learners: in each of these the teacher 'leads' according to the commitment and confidence of the learner.

Manager: Gets others to do what he/she wants
Tr: "I want you to learn these things: ...."
St: "Leave me alone, I don't want to do this stuff".
Teacher: Helps others learn
Tr: "I will help you learn the things you want to learn".
St: "I can help my friends learn what I already know."
Counsellor: Helps others discover what their needs are and ways of 
meeting those needs. 
Tr: "I want to help you clarify what you want to learn and then
find ways of learning it."
St: "Now I know what I am trying to achieve maybe you could
help me learn better by..."
Friends: Assist each other to do things, of a common interest 
Tr: "I am really interested in what you have learned and look at
what I've discovered about this too. ..."
St: "That is interesting. How could we....